Medical Research
Dr. Robert C. (Bob) Beck, D.Sc.
Please Read and Proceed in Fighting all of
The Manmade disease like cancer, AIV, …etc
Bob Beck created the Beck Protocol, a natural health, bioelectric protocol designed to help the body heal itself. His passion for using electrotherapy technology to help us heal led him to develop five ways to improve health. Four of the steps work together and have become known as the Beck Protocol or the Bob Beck Protocol. The first of the four steps is the use of microcurrents of electricity known as micropulsing or blood electrification. The second step is magnetic pulsing, the application of a pulsed magnetic field. Drinking ionic colloidal silver is the third step and drinking ozonated water is the fourth. The fifth way applies mild frequencies to harmonize and relax the brain using his Brain Tuner, also known as the Bio Tuner.
People who try the Beck Protocol come from all walks of life. Some are looking for a way to gain better health, others are facing a health challenge or are at a point where established health protocols have failed them. One comment we hear from many that try the Beck Protocol is that they have come to realize that our health is up to each of us. As you learn more about Bob Beck and the Beck Protocol, let your heart be your guide in order to decide if this is right for you. This is an opportunity, as Bob would say, to “Take Back Your Power.”
Robert C. Beck or, as he preferred, Bob Beck, was a champion of the people in health matters. He believed in freely sharing what he discovered.
As the official source of information about Bob Beck and the health legacy he gave to the world, we honor his accomplishments and celebrate his life. His legacy continues through this website as we continue to share more about the Beck Protocol and the Brain Tuner. Interviews with Bob, Bob’s personal effects, his lectures, the experiences of those who use the Beck units, as well as interviews with those who knew him well, are our resources for the information you read here.
The Beck Protocol:
Microcurrents are known to eliminate all viruses, parasites, fungi, bacteria and pathogens in blood. This has been discovered by revolutionary research over past years but these breakthroughs were lost or suppressed. The method was rediscovered by Einstein College of Medicine as an HIV / AIDS ‘cure’ in 1990, then silenced. This discovery was made specifically by two doctors of Medicine, Dr. Steven Kaali and Dr. William D. Lyman who presented a research paper at the First International Symposium on Combination Therapies in Washington, D.C. on March 14, 1990. There is even a US patent that has been issued that describes the theory, [US Patent #5,188,738]. Click here for a link to the actual patent.
Externally applied magnetic resonance of lymph, spleen, kidney and liver helps neutralize germinating, latent alien invaders and blocks re-infection. This quickens disease elimination, restores the immune system and supports detoxification. Permanent magnets, no matter how strong, will not nor cannot affect pathogens with back-emf currents. You must have a sharp time-varying, not DC, magnetic impulse. Interestingly Bob Becks own patent related to the electronic flash for modern cameras was instrumental in creating a device that creates this magnetic impulse.
Silver colloids or colloidal silver has been used as a homeopathic antibiotic for centuries. There are ‘old wives tales’ about adding a silver dollar to milk to help preserve it. This was practiced prior to the age of refrigeration that we now take for granted. The International Space Station uses silver salts in its water reclamation and purification systems. Silver is applied to modern over the counter bandages as an antibiotic. The evidence is plentiful that silver colloids are a safe and effective antibiotic however this is not supported currently by the medical community. Colloidal silver can be made for pennies-per-gallon and Bob Becks theory is that it greatly assists in eliminating all known pathogens and guard against opportunistic infections. Making colloidal silver requires a very simple electronic circuit and a few batteries. This process can be done at home and does not require a laboratory.
Bob Beck theorized that using a low cost O3 generator it is easy to make ozonized water that is safe to use and ingest. He speculated that this would result in safe totally natural cell oxygenation without free radical damage, universal detoxification by oxidation of wastes and neutralizing pathogens. This would result in all anaerobic reduction of H2O to CO2 without colonics, heat, liver and kidney flushing, herbs or other modalities.